Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Remedial command line

Hello and welcome back!!! I now have this podcast in Ogg Vorbis format the feed for that is located HERE
This week I did some remedial command line commands - this includes:

ls - list command that returns a list of the contents in the directory
mkdir - This command will allow you to make a directory
cd - This command will allow the user to move to another directory
cp - Copy command, this will copy a file from one directory to another
rm - deletes a file
mv - renames or moves a file
locate - helps find a file

Also I have a list of further resources for you to either find help or more information:

http://gnomefiles.org/ this is a good site to find packages for manual download among other things, it also has links to other good things

http://sourceforge.net/ Much like gnomefiles.org, has lots of packages for download

http://www.linux.com/ This is a great place to find out about news regarding linux in general and to find great tutorials

I also get a lot of news about Ubuntu from digg.com

Note: I will generally do a google search specifically for help on certain things rekated to ubuntu by specifically entering "ubuntu" as one of the search criteria. This usually gets me very close!!

Lastly, I like to listen to linuxreality.com podcast with Chess Griffin

Best of luck to you and I'll be speaking with you later.

DOWNLOAD -- 005Freshubuntu19Aug06.ogg


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