Sunday, November 26, 2006

Edgy Inside

Download Episode 19


Item 1 - Children in Need

Children in Need, a UK charity, are destined to benefit from the generosity of members of our wonderful community. An Ubuntu t-shirt signed by luminaries such as Mark Shuttleworth, Jon 'Maddog' Hall, Jono Bacon and many others including Canonical staff and community members will be auctioned by the Ubuntu UK Team, with the money raised to go to the Children in Need charity. Jono Bacon has also contributed a signed copy of "Official Ubuntu Book" to raise the stakes and get more people interested. AUCTION MAY BE OVER BUT THERE IS A LINK TO THE CHARITY FOR YOU TO MAKE YOUR DONATIONS.

Item 2 - Ubuntu Takes the Prize
16 November 2006, London - Canonical Ltd, the commercial sponsor of Ubuntu, today announced it has scooped another two awards for Ubuntu, its leading-edge Linux distribution. At the Linux New Media Awards, on Wednesday 15th November, Ubuntu was awarded 'Most User-Friendly Linux Distribution', and Canonical the 'Best combination of Community and Commerce'. Ubuntu also picked up the 'Best Linux/Open Source Distribution', for the second year running, at the 2006 UK Linux and Open Source Awards in October.

Mark Shuttleworth, Founder of Ubuntu, commented. We are all extremely proud of the impact Ubuntu has made, and proud that Ubuntu is seen as one of the finest examples of user-friendly Linux. With the commitment and dedication of our excellent community, and with the huge leaps in functionality and usability upstream, we are confident that Ubuntu and the open source world can continue to provide our users with a high quality, modern experience.

One of the core principles behind the continuing success of Ubuntu is community, and I am intensely proud of what our diverse, enthusiastic community has achieved and how Canonical has worked to maintain a transparent and open process. The 'Best combination of Community and Commerce' award highlights the commitment and drive of our community to collaborate effectively, and everyone who has contributed to Ubuntu deserves it. I am positive this accolade will continue to inspire and encourage an already inspired community of contributors said Jono Bacon, Community Leader for Ubuntu.

Ubuntu is freely available, including security updates for five years on servers, with no restrictions on usage and no requirement to purchase subscriptions per deployment. Full telephone and online support on commercial terms is available globally from Canonical Ltd and other companies.

Item 3 - Customize your own LiveCD

Ever wanted to customise an Ubuntu LiveCD to your own tastes? With the
UCK you can. Version 1.3 was released on the 10th of November, and
includes support for the latest stable Ubuntu release, Ubuntu 6.10
"Edgy Eft". For more information on the UCK, click the title of this story.

Linux restricted modules - Here is the link to the restricted modules

Music Provided Courtesy of the Podsafe Music Network

  1. Long time - Camelia Ashbach - Link to the PMN Page
  2. In the News - Motion soundtrack - Link to the PMN Page
  3. Gods Window - Fresh music Indie Label - Link to the PMN page

Monday, November 20, 2006

Giving Thanks

Download - Episode 18

Hi everyone. I hope you enjoy the podcast. Please feel free to leave a comment and remember to have a safe and happy Thanksgiving!

News Links:

  1. Ballmer says Linux is using MS code!!!
  2. Dell refund an XP user who would rather install Linux
  3. Ubuntu Community News

Music for the podcast was provided by the Podsafe Music Network.

"Thanks You" by The Almighty Whispers
"Cry Baby" by Aaron
"I Got My Gmail" by Hathead

Thanks for listening to this special Thanksgiving issue and I'll see you next week! Cheers!!!

Monday, November 13, 2006

Flash 9 installation

Download - Episode 17


I know, I know, it was a lame joke and I promise it will never happen again. Well, at least I hope so;) Anyhoo, this week I installed Flash 9 Beta on my laptop and it works very great and exceeds my expectations. If you have already tried the tutorial please be aware that using untrusted repositories are to be used AT YOUR OWN RISK!! I myself did not have any problem with it nor do I anticipate any. I would being doing a great disservice to my listeners if I did not include the following;

My advice is when using untrusted repositories (ie, not certified safe by Ubuntu developers) you do so at your own risk. If you feel that the repository that you just used to install the Flash 9 Beta is suspect please delete it from your sources.list using the same edit technique described in the podcast.

I must reiterate that Trevino's repository is BELIEVED to be safe, but in any case, no offense to Trevino, adjust your repositories list according to your own level of trust. I will tell you at this point that the reason Ubuntu is secure is that they only recommend and use trusted repos meaning that they have been checked (for lack of a better word) for possible threats. So, please be wise with any new repositories that you might come into contact with and judicious in your use of them.



Well this weeks CLCOTW is not exactly a command but it is a good tip!

Just remember if you forget the spelling of the command just press the TAB key and it will either finish the command for you or give you a list of commands that start with the letters that you typed.

If you would like to have an Ubuntu Dapper Disk please contact Michael Castellon, here is his email and his website address:

Michael Castellon

He has about 50 of the factory disks complete with sleeve and is willing to part with them. Thank you Michael for providing this service for my listeners.

Well, See you all next week, Ciao!!

Sunday, November 05, 2006

Dual booting Dapper

Download - Episode 16

If you are running Edgy EFt and everything is fine please leave a comment. If you installed Edgy and you had problems installing, yet managed to fix it please tell us all how you did it. You can leave a comment by clicking on the comment link at the end of this entry or you can send me an email by clicking 'Email Me' link on the sidebar.

1. Ubuntu 5.04 has now reached its End of Life.

2. Still running 5.04? No fear, Upgrade link here.

3. Common upgrade problems and solutions

4. Informal poll of windows users who move to Linux instead of Vista

Command Line Command of the Week: cal

This command displays, yep you guessed it, a calendar.


cal [-mjy] [[month] year]


-m Display monday as the first day of the week.

-j Display julian dates (days one-based, numbered from January 1).

-y Display a calendar for the current year.

A single parameter specifies the 4 digit year (1 - 9999) to be displayed.

Two parameters denote the Month (1 - 12) and Year (1 - 9999).

If arguments are not specified, the current month is displayed.

A year starts on 01 Jan.

Other Links

Link to Knightwise tuturial on ugrading to Edgy:

Link to his web page where you will find his podcast

Knightwise, The Knightcast podcast :